2011 Housing Project of the Year - Less than 50 Units
San Diego Housing Federation 16th Annual San Diego County Affordable Housing and Community Development Awards
El Pedregal Apartments, San Ysidro, CA
2010 Grand Award Winner
San Diego Architectural Foundation
La Entrada, San Diego, CA
2009 Gold Nugget Award of Merit
Outstanding Mid-Rise Apartment for Rent (4-6 Stories of Housing)
Pacific Coast Builders Conference
Gateway Apartments, San Diego, CA
2009 Housing Project of the Year - Less than 50 Units
San Diego Housing Federation 14th Annual San Diego County Affordable Housing and Community Development Awards
Gateway Apartments, San Diego, CA
2009 SDG&E Energy Efficiency & Sustainability Award
San Diego Housing Federation 14th Annual San Diego County Affordable Housing and Community Development Awards
Gateway Apartments, San Diego, CA
2008 Design Award of Honor
Pennsylvania Council of Society of American Registered Architects
Gateway Apartments, San Diego, CA
2008 Design Excellence and Affordable Housing For Rent
Multi-Housing News
Gateway Apartments, San Diego,. CA
2008 Merit Award, Project of the Year
Low-Rise Category
Multi-Family Executive Conference, Las Vegas
Gateway Apartments, San Diego, CA
2010 Project of the Year- Finalist
San Diego Housing Federation
La Entrada, San Diego, CA
2010 Project of the Year - Finalist
SCANPH (Southern California Association of Non-Profit Housing)
La Entrada, San Diego, CA